Freqeuntly Asked Questions
Que. : What is ISRJ?
Ans. : I.S.R.J stands for Indian Stream Research Journal.
Que. : What is ISSN?
Ans. : ISSN is International Standard Serial Number, an eight digit number.
Que. : Is ISRJ assigned ISSN?
Ans. : Yes, ISRJ is assigned ISSN No - 2230-7850.
Que. : Is ISRJ peer reviewed?:
Ans. : ISRJ is a peer reviewed journal.
Que. : What is double blind peer review?
Ans. :Double blind peer review : Neither the author nor the reviewers know each other identities, In order to keep this process fair and impartial so review is done without influence reputation of his/her.
Que. : How does the peer review process take place?
Ans. : 
Que. : What is open access?
Ans. : Open access means that every paper is freely available for everyone to read.
Que. : How does the review process work?
Ans. : The review of articles is done through a double blind peer review process. All articles reviewed by ISRJ are sent to the Review committee after deleting the author’s name and affiliation so that the reviewers may have an unbiased opinion about the research.
Que. : What are procedure for fast publication?
Ans. :
As per guidelines and format.
- Covered all points necessary.
- Complete address and content.
- Soft copy, hard copy as per guidelines.
- Article accepted by reviewers.
Que. : What are the reasons for delay in publication?
Ans. :
- Incomplete Article.
- Reviewers recommended some changes.
- If font is different.
- Absence of points: for example abstract, key words, research method, data analysis or research integration.
Que. : How do you choose the reviewer?
Ans. : Eminent academicians are on the editorial and advisory board of ISRJ; along with that, we have a panel of renowned academicians and industry professionals to review the research articles.
Que. : How long do reviews usually take?
Ans. : Minimum for any article is 3-4 days.
Que. : Does Information for Authors Appear in print?
Ans. : Yes, on the last page of all the print issues of each volume.
Que. : What is the limit on the number of authors for the original research article?
Ans. : There is no limit on the number of authors for the manuscripts.
Que. : What is the limit on the number of pages for original research article?
Ans. : No article should be exceed more than 10 pages unless necessary.
Que. : How many figures and tables may I include?
Ans. : Original research articles should have no more than 5 figures and tables.
Que. : May I send you my manuscript in my native language?
Ans. : We accept only English, Hindi or Marathi languages.
Que. : What is open access?
Ans. : All articles published in Indian Streams Research Journal are open access, which means they are freely and universally accessible online and permanently archived in an internationally recognized open access repository.
Que. : What is Article - processing charges?
Ans. : As the cost of peer reviewing, editing, publishing, maintaining and archiving articles is not recouped through subscription charges.
Que. : How much of the content on the website is available for free?
Ans. : All articles published in Indian Streams Research Journal are open access, which means they are freely and universally accessible online, immediately upon publication.
Que. : How do I submit an article to ISRJ?
Ans. : There are many ways to submit articles, online submission, via email or by post.
Que. : How many issues of ISRJ are published each year?
Ans. : The Journal is published every month i.e. 12 issues a year.
Que. : What file formats are acceptable for my submission ?
Ans. : Please refer to the following table.
Submission Item | Accepted File Types |
Original Manuscripts (Including figures, legends) | DOC English- Times New Roman; Marathi/Hindi- Kruti Dev 010 |
Tables Figures. | DOC |
Que. : How can I help?
Ans. : Besides submitting your articles, you can help by becoming a member of the review board. Your duties on the board will include peer reviewing. You will be fully acknowledged as a participating member. Also, if you have some unique skills that you believe could be of use to ISRJ, please contact us.
Que. : Is the Journal published at regular intervals?
Ans. : Submission Due 15th of every month.
Notification of Acceptance: 20th of every month.
Publication Date: Last day of every month.
Que. : What are subscription charges?
Ans. : For Professor : Annual SubscriptionRs.1200/-
Single Copy - Rs.200/-
For Institution Rs.2000/- per year.
Payments in respect of Subscriptions and advertisement may be sent by Cheque, bank draft in favor of
Dr. Ashok Yakkaldevi.For more information click here.
Que. : Can I stand research paper on pharmacy subject?
Ans. : Yes, ISRJ is multidisciplinary. It covers all UGC approved subject.
Que. : How do I send article processing charges?
Ans. :For more information click here.
Que. : To whom should I direct my inquiry?
Ans. : Dr. Ashok Yakkaldevi - +91 9595 359 435
Que. : Still have Questions?
Ans. : Please Contact us.