Volume : XV, Issue : II, March - 2025 TRACING THE ROOTS OF MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS LIKE SATISFACTION & HAPPINESS IN ANCIENT INDIAN MANTRAS  Dr. Bhushan Bhalerao, Dr. Vinay Rananaware2 and Prof. Amita Bhalerao3 By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : The burning issues in the economic environment of a developing country like India, gets reflected in the human life to be more painful rather than gainful and joyful. It is because most of the human wants and needs are Economical and Monitory in nature in this modern era. Keywords :
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Cite This Article : Dr. Bhushan Bhalerao, Dr. Vinay Rananaware2 and Prof. Amita Bhalerao3(2025). TRACING THE ROOTS OF MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS LIKE SATISFACTION & HAPPINESS IN ANCIENT INDIAN MANTRAS . Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. XV, Issue. II, http://isrj.org/UploadedData/11260.pdf References : - 2. Fatima, N. & Shahibzada, S.A. (2012). An Empirical Analysis of Factors Affecting Work Life Balance among University Teachers. Journal of International Accademic Research, Volume 12, No.1.
- 1. Chawla, D. &Sondhi, N. (2011). Assessing Work-Life Balance among Indian Women Professionals. The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 47(2): 341-351.
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