Volume : II, Issue : II, March - 2012 A Sociological Profile of Hotel Workers: A Case Study of Gulbarga City B.N. Singh AND Hanumanthayya Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : Workers working in Unorganized sector are facing lot of problems. As such, workers working in
Hotels are also have many of the socio-economic problems. To analyze the sociological problems of the
hotel workers the present study was made in Gulbarga city using interview based survey covering 80 workers
working in Hotels. The study highlighted that many of the minors are working in the hotels, where there is
unhygienic environment is there. The problems of the hotel workers include the lower wages, more working
hours, employers' exploitation, and surprisingly, majority of the respondents are from poor families and a
few are orphans. People from Other backward castes and Lingayats dominated as hotel workers, as they do
not have education and any of the government facilities. Hence, it suggested to empower the hotel workers
by formulating the welfare policies. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : B.N. Singh AND Hanumanthayya, (2012). A Sociological Profile of Hotel Workers: A Case Study of Gulbarga City. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. II, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/813.pdf References : - Giri, VV (1972): Labour Problems in Indian Industry. Labour Legislation, 1972.
- Majority Report (1948): Report of the Minimum Wages Committee (Residential Hotels Restaurents and Eating Houses) Wages Act, 1948. Bombay, 1955.
- Seavey, Warren (1983): Collieres Encyclopaedia. Volume,12; New York: Macmillan Educational Company, 1983. P. 293.
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