Volume : II, Issue : II, March - 2012 Null effect of basic aspects on Conceptual understanding of calculus and discrete mathematics. Mandar N Khasnis and J K Pendharkar Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : The conceptual understanding of fundamental topics like calculus and discrete mathematics in
Mathematics are believed to be dependent on Gender, medium of instruction at school level, their
achievement at H S C level (that is performance at 12th standard), in 10+2+3 pattern of university of
Mumbai. The survey was taken on undergraduate students of Degree College, and based on the information
like Gender, medium of instruction and entry level performance, some co relations were found, which were
discussed in this research paper. It was found that there is no effect of these parameters except that of entry
level performance, on the conceptual understanding of mathematics in the undergraduate students. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : Mandar N Khasnis and J K Pendharkar, (2012). Null effect of basic aspects on Conceptual understanding of calculus and discrete mathematics.. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. II, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/782.pdf References : - Best J & Khan K (2006) Research in education, New Delhi, Prentice hall of India, Eastern Economy Edition (ninth edition).
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- Ref1: article 53. Volume I, Issue II/September 2011 Golden Research Thoughts Journal ISSN: 2231- 5063.
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