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Volume : I, Issue : XI, December - 2011


Fatima Hasna Hasnat Unisa Begum

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The footsteps treaded by old and recent studies on careful study and observation may pave the way for new endeavours and such Endeavour’s are the basis for new concepts and those concepts bring changes in our way of life. ‘’When employment increases real income increased .The psychology of the community is such that aggregate real income increased aggregate consumption is increased, the consumption and investment of one individual is the source of income of other individual.[1]

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Fatima Hasna Hasnat Unisa Begum, (2011). SGSY- NRLM. AN INITIATIVE TO REDUCE UNEMPLOYMENT. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. I, Issue. XI,

References :

  1. 1. J M Keynes `The general theory of employment Interest and Money Published by Palgrave Mac Millan United Kingdom, 1936, p.26
  2. 2. Planning Commission Report on Labour and Employment, Eighth Five Year Plan (1992-97), Published 2000, pp.99-105,

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