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Volume : I, Issue : XII, January - 2012

Hope and Self-Esteem Correlates of Religious Conversion

Neekanth Bankar

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The social system in India had a unique feature of caste. The lower caste people were experiencing severe humiliation and discrimination from the upper caste. Dr. Ambekar had challenged the hegemony of the upper caste. In 1956, Dr. Ambekar converted to Buddhist religion along with his followers. This social change gave new identity to the people suffering from brutal treatment from the upper caste. However, some followers continued both Hindu and Buddhist religion practices and some continue to practice only Buddhist religion. The present paper tries to explore the association of hope and self-esteem among them and also investigates if there is any difference between these groups. Results indicated that there is a significant difference between the groups.

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Neekanth Bankar, (2012). Hope and Self-Esteem Correlates of Religious Conversion. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. I, Issue. XII,

References :

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