Volume : II, Issue : VI, July - 2012 THE DERIVED PICARD GROUP IS A LOCALLY ALGEBRAIC GROUP Sanjay Chopra Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : Let A be a finite dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field K. The derived Picard group DPick(A) is the group of two-sided tilting complexes over A modulo isomorphism. We prove that DPick(A) is a locally algebraic group, and its identity component is Out(_K^0)(A). If B is a derived Morita equivalent algebra then DPicK(A)≅DPicK(B) as locally algebraic groups. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : Sanjay Chopra, (2012). THE DERIVED PICARD GROUP IS A LOCALLY ALGEBRAIC GROUP. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. VI, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/6282.pdf References : - 1. R. Rouquier, Groupes d'automorphismes equivalences stables ou derivees, preprint.
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