DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : II, Issue : VIII, September - 2012

C.P.Ramaswamy Iyer And Annie Besant: Madras Politics And Madras Mock Parliament


DOI : 10.9780/22307850, Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The period of seven years from 1912 to 1919 is of cardinal importance in the life of C.P. as it witnessed his crucial role in the political, legal, educational, civic and many other spheres. An active associate of Besant, he guided her to organise the Madras Parliament, launch the New India, establish the Home Rule League and take up the cudgels against the Governor of Madras for the treatment meted out to her. He was an equally active Congressman participating in the Congress Sessions and delivering brilliant addresses at the different District and Provincial Conferences. He also acted as an energetic Commissioner of the Madras Municipal Corporation for a decade from 1911 and was a Fellow of the University of Madras for eight years from 1912. His performance as an honorary member of various organisations and boards including the Pachaiyappa's Trust Board, of which he was a forceful trustee, was admirable. It was during these seven years that C.P. came close to Montagu, Secretary of State for India. This period also witnessed his first visit to England in 1919 to tender evidence before the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the new reforms as a member of the All India Home Rule League (AIHRL). Towards the end of 1920, in the first election to the Madras Legislative Council held under the Government of India Act of 1919, he was elected from the Madras City.

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K.MURUGIAH, (2012). C.P.Ramaswamy Iyer And Annie Besant: Madras Politics And Madras Mock Parliament. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. VIII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. New India, 11 February 1918.
  2. Personal Note of (C.P..Ramaswamy Iyer ) C.P.
  3. The Theosophist, Vol. XXXIV, Part II, May 1913, p. 154.
  4. Ibid, pp. 168 -1 69.Arthur H. Nethercot, The Last Four Lives of Annie Besant, Rupart Hart-Davis, Soho Square, London, 1963, p. 189.
  5. The Theosophist, op. cit., p. 322.
  6. Ibid., p. 326.
  7. Ramaswami Aiyar,C.P., 'Dr. Besant as a Comrade and Leader,' in Adyar Pamphlet, No.186 June 1934, p. 8.8. N e w India, 16 December 1918.
  8. Ramaswami Aiyar, C.P., 'Dr. Besant as a Comrade and Leader,' in Adyar Pamphlet, No.186 June 1934, p. 1.
  9. Evidence before the Joint Parliamentary Committee in ondon,1919, p. 57 (Adyar Library).
  10. Annie. Besant, How India Wrought For Freedom, Theosophical Society Publishing House, Madras, 1915, p. 515.
  11. The Madras Mail, 28 November 1911.
  12. Annie. Besant, How India Wrought For Freedom, op. cit., p. 602.
  13. The Madras Mail, 7 May 1913.
  14. Annie. Besant, How India Wrought For Freedom, op.cit., p. 555.
  15. Ibid, pp. 579 -580.
  16. Report of the Thirtieth Indian National Congress held at Bombay on 27th, 28th & 29th December 1915, published by D.E.Wacha, Chairman Reception Committee, 30th INC, Bombay, 1916, pp. 75, 80 -81.
  17. Speeches of Sachivottama Sir C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar, 1937,Government Press, Trivandrum, 1944, p. 32.
  18. Legislative Assembly Debates, 1 I September 1931, p. 351.
  19. Annie Besant Papers (Adyar Library).
  20. Menon, .K.P.S., Many Worlds Visited: An Autobiography, Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1981, p. 43.
  21. The Travancore Law Times, Vol. XV,Trivandrum, p. 500.
  22. Annie Besant Papers.( Adyar Library)
  23. The Theosophist, Vol. XXXV, Part II, p. 610.
  24. File No.12/2/R VIII, Select Extracts from the confidential Government Records on the Home Rule Movement of Besant of Madras."C.P." By His Contemporaries, op.cit.,p. 270; Annie Besant, An .Autobiography,T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1893, p. 559.
  25. "C.P." By His Contemporaries, op.cit.,p. 270; Annie Besant, An .Autobiography,T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1893, p. 559.
  26. The Theosophist, Vol. XXXV, Part II, p. 610.
  27. Madras Mail, 16 January 1914.
  28. Viswanatha Aiyar,T.V., 'Preface to the YMIA' Dr. C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar Memorial Endowment, Madras, 1981, p. ii.
  29. Madras Mail, 16 January 1914.
  30. Viswanatha Aiyar, T.V., 'Preface to the YMIA' Dr. C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar Memorial Endowment, loc. cit., pp. ivvii.
  31. The Theosophist, Vol. XXXVI, p. 479.
  32. Annie Besant Papers.(Adyar Library)
  33. New India, 11 February 1915.
  34. Ibid., 25 February 1915.
  35. Ibid., 8 March 1915.
  36. Ibid., 4 & 5 March 1915.

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