DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : I, Issue : IX, October - 2011


Chawan Premsing

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The Jewellery and ornaments used by the aristocracy and by the communes. It could have differed probably in the material of which the were made “So happy is the architecture of the human from” says Hiller that the very places where the ornaments naturally fitted were probably the best of all places which it could have been found. Women of Karnataka wore ornaments on all exposed parts of the body from top to toe the weight of ornaments sometimes exceeded their body weight the manasollasa describes length head, ear, neck, shoulder, wriest, finger, waist, leg and toe ornaments then in vague this is confirmed from other literary texts. Silver and Gold were the chief metal used in preparing ornaments with sapphires diamonds, rubies, emeralds and pearls. Diamonds were considered invaluable and found in hexagonal and slab shapes white, red, yellow and black

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Chawan Premsing, (2011). JEWELLERY AND ORNAMENT DURING CHALUKYAN ERA. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. I, Issue. IX, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Altekar – Position of Women
  2. Dr. Amita C. – Life and Society in Ancient India.
  3. Dr. Gopal B. R – The Chalukyas of Kalyana of the Kalchuries.
  4. Dr. Krishappa – Social and Economic condition of Karnataka.
  5. Dr. Nagraj Rao (Ed) – Chalukyas of Kalyana (Seminar Paper)
  6. Gururajcharya. S. – Some aspect of Economics and Social Life in Karnataka.

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