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Volume : I, Issue : II, March - 2011

Yogasana And Their Contribution Towards Positive Health

Meena P. Thuse

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Yoga is a higher state of consciousness when the activities of five senses and fluctuations of the mind are stilled and the intellect becomes steady. Thus due to sensorial control the state of meditation is achieved. This is the state of yoga i.e. "Yogah Citta Virtti Nirodhah" According to Bhagavad-Gita it is a state of freedom from the influence of pain or pleasure. This is a state or equanimity over pain and pleasure. Success or failure and so on. Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root "Yuja" mean to unite or to integrate. This union refers to the union of individual consciousness with the cosmic or divine consciousness.

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Meena P. Thuse, (2011). Yogasana And Their Contribution Towards Positive Health. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. I, Issue. II,

References :

  1. Casner S.W. :A five week cardiovascular conditioning programme:. J. Spots Med,. 8; 236-240. 1968.

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