Volume : I, Issue : VII, August - 2011 Comparative study of Dielectric behavior of binary mixtures of ethylene glycol with benzene and ethanol T.Beena, Ramya Rajan M.P., Dr.L.Sudha,Dr.G.Meenakshi Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : Dielectric relaxation and dipole moment of ethylene glycol
(ROCH2CH2OH) with benzene and ethanol of different concentrations were
studied at microwave frequency of 21.4 GHz at 300K. Different dielectric
parameters like dielectric constant (ε ) and dielectric loss(ε” ) at microwave
frequency, static dielectric constant (ε0) and optical dielectric constant (ε∞)of
these molecules and their binary mixtures of different concentration were
measured. The average relaxation time (τ0), relaxation time corresponding to
overall molecular reorientation (τ1) and group rotations (τ2) were determined
using Higasi’s single frequency measurement. It has been observed that
relaxation time is very closely related with molecular parameters such as size,
shape and nature of the solute molecule. The excess inverse relaxation time
was determined to confirm the existence of hydrogen bond in the binary
mixtures in non polar solvent. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : T.Beena, Ramya Rajan M.P., Dr.L.Sudha,Dr.G.Meenakshi, (2011). Comparative study of Dielectric behavior of binary mixtures of ethylene glycol with benzene and ethanol. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. I, Issue. VII, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/412.pdf References : - Purohit,H.D.;Sengwa,R.J.J.Mol.Liq 1990,47,53
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