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Volume : I, Issue : VII, August - 2011


Dr. C.M. Thakkar,

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Accounting is a process to identify measurer and communicate economic information to permit informed judgments and decisions by the user of the information. Its function is to provide quantitative information, primarily financial in name, about economic entities, that is intended to be useful in making economic decisions and related choice among alternative course of action. Financial reporting may be defined as communication of published financial statement and related information from a business enterprise to all users. It is the reporting of accounting information of an entity to a user or group of users. It contains booth qualitative and quantitative information. With the rapid change in the economic and industrial scenario, the role of accounting has also been changed over a period of time. Accounting Activity is no longer confined to the historical description of financial activities rather it is now being regarded as service activity i.e. providing information to various user groups. The user groups are management, employee, investors, trade unions, tax authorities, creditors, competitors, public etc. The Financial report made to the insider group is generally known as internal reporting, while made to the outsider groups is known as eternal reporting.

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    Cite This Article :

    Dr. C.M. Thakkar,, (2011). CORPORATE REPORTING PRACTICE IN GLOBALISED SCENARIO. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. I, Issue. VII,

    References :

    1. Pramanik A.K. and Gurusamy S. Corporate Accounting and Financial Analysis, Kanishka Publisher, Distributors, New Delhi, 2000.
    2. Jawahar lal, Contemporary Accounting Issues, Vision Books, New Delhi, Third Edition.
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    6. Van Horne, James C. Financial Management and Policy, Prentice – Hall of India Publications ltd. New Delhi, Twelfth Edition
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    8. www.corporatereporting .com

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