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Volume : III, Issue : X, November - 2013

India's Policy Of Non-alignment: A Study Of Its Relevance

Surander Singh

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The drastic changes in the world scene in the 1990's such as the declaration of the end of Cold War at the Malta Summit between Gorbachov and Bush in 1990; disintegration of the USSR on December 20, 1991; disbanding of Warsaw Pact on July 1, 1991; reunification of Germany on November 9-10, 1990 and creation of single European market on January 1, 1994 have led to a debate on the relevance of the policy of non-alignment of India. According to some scholars, NAM has lost its relevance and it is no longer a basis for a viable foreign policy in the post Cold War era. It is being argued that NAM was a product of the Cold War and thus it has no place in a world where there are no blocs. In a speech made at the 32nd anniversary celebrations of the United States India Business Council in Washington on June 28, 2009, U.S. Secretary of state Condoleezza Rice called upon India to abandon NAM, as it has lost its relevance. She further added, “it has lost its meaning….” The changes at international level have changed the post world war ll in a new order, which is being dominated by U.S.A. In the changed context it is important to examine the relevance of the policy of non-alignment. Whether it is relevant or not relevant in the contemporary world order?

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Surander Singh, (2013). India's Policy Of Non-alignment: A Study Of Its Relevance. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. X,

References :

  1. For details see: D. Banerjee, "A new world order: trends for future", Strategic Analysis, Vol. XVII, No. 2, May 1994, p. 143.
  2. Walter Enders and Todd Sandler, "Transnational terrorism in the post Cold War era", International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 43, No. 1, March 1999, p. 145.
  3. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, "The Non-Aligned Movement in the post Cold War era", Review of International Affairs, Vol. XLII, NO. 984, April 5, 1991, p. 6.
  4. Amitab Mattoo, "What is in a NAM", Telegraph, October 3, 1995.

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