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Volume : III, Issue : XI, December - 2013

The Study Of Role Played By Yeashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University Through Distance Education

Jagtap Sanjay Waghoji

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The Process of distance education is an important education method, in modern education system, particularly for those people who were unable to complete their education in traditional ways. In India millions of people getting their in complete education through this Distance Teaching - Learning process. There are several universities in India are providing their education through this process. Yeshwantrao Chavan open university, Nashik Maharashtra. Is a one of the university established exclusively working for distance teaching learning process. Education is playing crucial role for personality development. Education gives us equality, National integration overall economic development etc. By keeping this holy view government of Maharashtra started Yeshwantrao Chavan Open University (Named Ex Vice, Primeminister) at Nashik in 1st July 1989. Because of this university those people were unable to take their education, were able to complete their education through this teaching learning process Truly Y.C.M.U.N. University has started about 206 different courses for the up gradation of the students were sincerely willing to come in the flow of traditional education system. This university is not only gives us the literary education but it also gives the knowledge of flexibility in life, self confidence, responsibility, accountability towards society etc. is the motto of this university. This is a era of technology new techniques are continuously developed so through distance education this \teaching or technological education providing the students particularly prostitute, male & female criminals, Hotel labours, house workers, fishermen, taxi drivers etc. University is to give excellent education for the students. University runs the education in the form of information technology through web radio, Video conferencing. Internet facilities, students can use this facilities at their home or farm. University also provide the scholarship facilities to the backward classes. Now India is becoming undoubtly super power by 2020 to make this dramatic truth this distance education facility definitely will play vital role undoubtly.

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Jagtap Sanjay Waghoji, (2013). The Study Of Role Played By Yeashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University Through Distance Education. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. XI,

References :

  1. Rathore H.C.S.( 2011) Management of Distance Education – A.P.H. Pub.
  2. Sawand Patrika YCMOU Nashik in, Jan,2012, Feb 2012, Oct.2012
  3. Information Book- Academic year 2010-2011 & 2011-2012

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