DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : III, Issue : XI, December - 2013

Comparison Between Selected Physiological And Physical Fitness Variables Among Swimmers, Athletes And Sedentary People

Mahendra Kumar Singh And Arvind Bahadur Singh

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Today modernization has made human life easier as most of the work is performed by the machines. The sedentary life style of man has reduced the efficiency of humans. The less working capacity of humans has caused many problems like weakness, illness, chronic diseases, etc. In past our ancestors were quite healthy and fit. The big reason was that they had to perform a lot of hard physical activity like running, walking, jumping etc. The level of physical fitness varies from person to person. It depends upon the nature of work, size, shape, structure, age, sex and adaptability of an individual. Different games require different levels of physical fitness depending upon the type of activity, event, games and sports. Physical fitness requires efficient motor mechanism (movement of body), efficient organic mechanism (physiological functioning) and efficient mental functioning (psychological set-up). Sixty subjects were selected from different Sports Club, Sports Academy and Shopkeeper from Bilaspur District, Chhattisgarh as sources of data. The purposive sampling method was applied to select 20 swimmers, 20 athletes and 20 Sedentary People for this study. The physiological variables were Hemoglobin percentage, Pulse Rate and Exhale capacity and Physical fitness variable were Arm and Shoulder Strength, Abdominal Strength, Explosive Strength, Agility, Endurance and Speed for this study. Result showed that there is significant difference in exhale capacity, Physical Fitness except hemoglobin percentage of swimmers, athlete and sedentary subjects. Today modernization has made human life easier as most of the work is performed by the machines. The sedentary life style of man has reduced the efficiency of humans. The less working capacity of humans has caused many problems like weakness, illness, chronic diseases, etc. In past our ancestors were quite healthy and fit. The big reason was that they had to perform a lot of hard physical activity like running, walking, jumping etc. The level of physical fitness varies from person to person. It depends upon the nature of work, size, shape, structure, age, sex and adaptability of an individual. Different games require different levels of physical fitness depending upon the type of activity, event, games and sports. Physical fitness requires efficient motor mechanism (movement of body), efficient organic mechanism (physiological functioning) and efficient mental functioning (psychological set-up). Sixty subjects were selected from different Sports Club, Sports Academy and Shopkeeper from Bilaspur District, Chhattisgarh as sources of data. The purposive sampling method was applied to select 20 swimmers, 20 athletes and 20 Sedentary People for this study. The physiological variables were Hemoglobin percentage, Pulse Rate and Exhale capacity and Physical fitness variable were Arm and Shoulder Strength, Abdominal Strength, Explosive Strength, Agility, Endurance and Speed for this study. Result showed that there is significant difference in exhale capacity, Physical Fitness except hemoglobin percentage of swimmers, athlete and sedentary subjects.

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Mahendra Kumar Singh And Arvind Bahadur Singh, (2013). Comparison Between Selected Physiological And Physical Fitness Variables Among Swimmers, Athletes And Sedentary People. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. XI, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

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