DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : I, Issue : V, June - 2011

Archaeological Aspects of The Chaityagrahas

Shrirang Lokhande , Ravikiran .Jadhav

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Karad is located to the south of the district of Satara. The latitude of Karad is 170 17' north latitude and 740 13' east longitude. From the centre of the city of Karad to the north-east are located the Aagaashiv mountain ranges. There are as many as 108 caves.1 The Aagaashiv caves have been considered to be significant from research point of view. There are Buddhist cave complexes in the mountain ranges of Aagaashiv at Jakhinwadi, Bhairavdara, Aagaashiv Nagar and Chachegaon.

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Shrirang Lokhande , Ravikiran .Jadhav, (2011). Archaeological Aspects of The Chaityagrahas. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. I, Issue. V, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Maharashtra State Gazetteer, Satara District, Improvised Edition-3, Maharashtra Government, Mumbai-1999, p. 4
  2. The Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 32, p. 71-72
  3. Luder's List, Appendix to Epi. Ind. X No. p. 705, 763, 767, 809, 891
  4. Ibid, p. 1055
  5. Excavation Report at Karad, p. 2
  6. Pande Jaynarayan, Bharatiya Kalaa evam Puratatva, Prachya Vidya Sansthan, Ilahabad, 1999, p. 82
  7. Brown Percy, Indian Architecture (Buddhist and Hindu Periods), Calcutta, 1971, p. 21
  8. Pathak Arunchandra, Maharashtra State Gazetteer, Mumbai, 1999, p. 740
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  10. Mate M.S., Praachin Bharatiya Kalaa, Continental Publishers, Pune, 1980, p.30
  11. Kolate V.B., Maharashtratil Kaahi Tamrapat and Sheelalekha, Maharashtra Rajya Sanskrit Mandal, Mumbai, 1987
  12. Burgess James, Bhagwanlaal, Inscriptions from the Cave Temples of Western India, ASWL, III, Varanasi, 1970
  13. Gupte Y.R., Karad, Editor and Publisher, Gupte, 1927
  14. Joshi Mahadevshastri, Edited, Bharatiya Sanskrit Kosh, Pune, 1993
  15. Joshi M.C., Yugyugin Bharatiya Kalaa, Rajasthani Granthagar, Jodhpur, 1995
  16. Morwanchikar R.S., Satwahan Kaalin Maharashtra, Pratima Prakashan, Pune, 1993
  17. Exploration at Karad, Bharat Itihaas Sanshodhak Mandal, Swiya Granthmala, No. 74, 1948-49
  18. Nagarjun S., Buddhist Architecture of Western India (250 BC to 300 AD), Agam Kalaa Prakashan, Delhi, 1981

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