Volume : I, Issue : V, June - 2011 On closed sets in Topological Spaces L.Vijilius Helena Raj, S.Pious Missier Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : In 1970, the study of so called g-closed set that is, the closed sets and g-closed sets
coincide was introduced. The notion has been studied extensively in recent years by many
topologies because g-closed sets are not only a natural generalization of closed sets. More
importantly, some of these have been found to be useful in computer Science and digital
topology. So the study of
g-closed sets will give the possible applications in computer graphics [16]. A subset A of
a topological space (X,) is g-closed set if the closure of A is included in every open
superset of A is initiated by Levine Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : L.Vijilius Helena Raj, S.Pious Missier, (2011). On closed sets in Topological Spaces. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. I, Issue. V, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/317.pdf References : - Dontchev J, Maki H. On behavior of gp-closed sets and their generalizations. Mem Fac Sci Kochi Univ Ser A (Math) 1998;19:57–72
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