DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : III, Issue : IX, October - 2013

Does Individual Freedom Necessarily Hinder Social Cohesion? A Discussion In Light Of Sartrean Existentialism And Buddhism

Pallavi Sharma

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

This present age can be signified to be of revolutionary nature charged by individuality's desire to surpass the customary system and set values. Self defined value system and self- determined destiny is now the call of the present generation. Philosophically, any attempt to explain this present trend immediately reminds us of Jean Paul Sartre's Existentialism which occupies a leading position recognizing the free individual as the milestone of morality and human destiny. However Sartre's existentialism is forcefully criticized of being selfish, unsocial and dreadful for assigning excessive freedom to the individual. Whereas, interestingly, Buddhism, which is found to be a very influential system all over the world have been carrying the seed of this individuality for long, recognizing no higher authority than the individual to determine individual fate. As per the Buddhist norm Man's destiny is determined by nothing but his own Karma. Thus with a comparative discussion of Sartrean Existentialism and the Buddhist system of Indian philosophy the paper argues that even being individualistic in approach one can be very much social in practice.

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Pallavi Sharma, (2013). Does Individual Freedom Necessarily Hinder Social Cohesion? A Discussion In Light Of Sartrean Existentialism And Buddhism. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. IX, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Anderson, T. (1993). Sartre's Two Ethics. (H. Burns, Trans.) Chicago: Oprn Court Publishing.
  2. Bhadra, M. K. (2004). A Critical Survey of Phenomenology and Existentialsm. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Reserach.
  3. Lal, A. (1999). Lord Buddha's Message on Human welfare, Peace and Happiness. In G. Madan, Buddhism: its Various Manifestations (pp. 54-56). New Delhi: mittal Publications.
  4. Madan, G. R. (1999). Buddhism and Some of Its Basic Principles. In G. R. Madan, Buddhism: Its Various Manifestations (pp. 139-145). New Delhi: Mittal Publications.

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