Volume : I, Issue : V, June - 2011 Effect of proprioception on H- reflex in normal subjects Narkeesh , Kaur Gurpreet Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : Many studies have been done on effect of proprioceptive stimuli on Hreflex
but all have controversial results and comparitively less number of studies
have been done to find out the effect of traction and approximation on H-reflex. In
this study effect of traction and approximation was studied on 30 healthy normal
subjects which included both males and females. The mean , standard deviation, tvalue
F-value and post hoc analysis for all the variables was significant It was
concluded that H – reflex parameters show change during traction and
approximation and also during standing and sitting. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : Narkeesh , Kaur Gurpreet, (2011). Effect of proprioception on H- reflex in normal subjects. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. I, Issue. V, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/313.pdf References : - Ali, Ashraf, A., and Sabbahi, Mohamed A. (2000), “H-reflex changes under spinal loading and unloading conditions in normal subjects”, Clinical neurophysiology, 111(4): pp 664-670.
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