DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : III, Issue : IX, October - 2013

Limnology And Corrosiveness Of Different Water Samples Of College Of Military Engineering Pune (ms India) And Nearby Vicinity

S A Meshram And R K Gangal

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Limnological investigation has been carried out on degraded water samples from CME (College of Military Engineering Pune, MS INDIA) ) lakes, bore well , Mutha, Mulla and Pawana rivers. Waters from CME lakes and nearby vicinity are used for domestic as well as for military purposes. It is most significant to know water quality parameters and their effects on entity which exposed in practical use. Therefore it is essential to carry out study of water quality parameters, suitability for drinking purpose and stability (scaling-non scaling tendency) of water samples from CME and nearby vicinity. In the present study a comprehensive assessment of water quality parameters, suitability for drinking purpose and stability of water samples have been carried out by measuring pH, conductivity , fluoride, chloride ,TDS, alkalinity , hardness, , Langelier Saturation Index (LSI), Ryznar Index (RI) etc. and the corrosiveness on mild steel. It was found that most of the waters are within the WHO permissible limit. As for as the stability is concerned 75 % water samples have scale dissolving tendency and only 25% water samples have scale forming tendency. Further, most of the waters are corrosive in nature. As for as the corrosivity is concerned, the values of pH, Cond, Fluoride, chloride ion concentration, TDS, Total hardness, Alkalinity etc . 6.8, 1.11x103, 0.31, 89.2, 700, 201, 50 are aggressive for corrosion and 8.1, 1.30x103, 0.06, 140, 806, 406, 70 are non aggressive for corrosion towards MS.

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S A Meshram And R K Gangal, (2013). Limnology And Corrosiveness Of Different Water Samples Of College Of Military Engineering Pune (ms India) And Nearby Vicinity. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. IX, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. P Venugopala Rao, Textbook of Env Engg, March 2010, 48
  2. Mars G Fontana, Corrosion Engineering Third edition (McGraw-Hill)
  3. Roberge P R, Hand book of corrosion engg (McGraw-Hill),2000
  4. Mukta Sharma, Jyoti Chawla & Gurmeet Singh, Cetyl trimetylammonium bromide as a corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in acidic medium, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, Vol 16, July2009, pp339-343

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