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Volume : III, Issue : VIII, September - 2013

Community Organization As A Social Work Profession And Practice

V. V. Kulkarni , Sonal Shivgunde And Mahadev Jadhav

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

In this paper the details about community organization is discussed. In Social work profession community organization is one of the crucial methods to deal with large number of people on various issues simultaneously. The community organization has its deep roots in social relations of its members. The sociological perspectives of community organization and its social significance are elaborated in detail. Coming together to solve common problems is a social phenomenon where people work together for the common cause. The organization of community whether it is formal or in\formal helps to develop the common goals of development on humanitarian ground. This is an enabling process which helps the communities for developing the strengths. Adjustment between various groups and their interactions always brings development in social life. The collective thinking always helps in utilizing the available resources very efficiently for the upliftment of socially weaker sections of the society. Various groups and their interactions built mutual understanding and mutual help for a common cause. Various dimensions of community plays a predominant role in organizational process which is gradual but it continues for longer time. Various definitions are explained in this chapter. The pioneering work of Marry Ross has also discussed briefly.

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V. V. Kulkarni , Sonal Shivgunde And Mahadev Jadhav, (2013). Community Organization As A Social Work Profession And Practice. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. VIII,

References :

  1. Alinsky, Saul David. “Reveille for Radicals”. Vintage Books., New York., 1969.
  2. Alinsky, Saul David. “Rules for Radicals”. Vintage Books., New York., 1972
  3. Beck, Emily Morison, ed. Bartlett's “Familar Quotations”. Little, Brown, and Company. Boston, 1980
  4. .Bogardus, “Sociology”, Macmillen and co. Toranto, 1941, P122. Fourth edition

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