DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : III, Issue : VIII, September - 2013

The Need Of Students' Awareness About Co- Operative Principles During Written Examinations

Chaudhari Dhananjay Shivaji

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Today, with growing competition in educational field, the students have to be very particular regarding their studies as well as presentation of the studied matter in the perfect way. Many times, while going through the answer books of the students at different levels, it is frequently observed that students are not conscious regarding the matter which they write as the answers. There are certain drawbacks in their writings. This paper aims at high lighting those drawbacks with reference to the co operative principles of the well known pragmatician -H.Paul Grice. Co-operative principles play a vital role in pragmatics. Pragmatics is the study of meaning formation in communication, based on context. Initially, it is necessary to explain that Grice provides the co-operative principles with reference to communication which is generally oral and face to face. Here, with respect to written examinations, we need to consider the students as the senders who transmit their message in the form of the answers. On the other hand; the assessor will be the receiver. The written examination is the way to communication between the students and the assessors. In this sense, it's simple calculation that the score in the written examination depends upon the effectivity of communication between them. The violation of the co-operative maxims as stated by Grice will result in students' poor performance in the written examinations and obviously in poor score.

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Chaudhari Dhananjay Shivaji, (2013). The Need Of Students' Awareness About Co- Operative Principles During Written Examinations. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. VIII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Ariel Mira (2010)-DEFINING PRAGMATICS: Cambridge University Press
  2. Bara, Bruno G.(1949)-COGNITIVE PRAGMATICS: THE MENTAL PROCESSES OF COMMUNICATION / Bruno G. Bara; translated by John Douthwaite: Bradford
  3. Grice H.P.(1975) LOGIC AND CONVERSATION: New York Academic Press
  4. Leech G.N. (1983)-PRINCIPLES OF PRAGMATICS India: Longman

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