DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : III, Issue : VIII, September - 2013

The Slums: A Note On Facts And Solution ( A Study On Slums Of Raipur City In India)

Sribas Goswami

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The term 'slum' came into vogue since the beginning of the 18th century. It was used to describe squalid housing in densely populated areas of industrial cities. A slum is a compact area of overcrowded population, poorly built congested dwelling condition, unhygienic environment usually with inadequate infrastructure and lacking in proper sanitary and drinking water facilities. Living conditions in slums have a direct impact on people's health. One of the major challenges that face urban planners globally is the proliferation of slums in urban areas and the host of health hazards that they bring along with their wake. However, the prolific spread of slums has been a rampant problem in urban areas worldwide. Eventually, the extent and spread of slums in India not only help us to recognize that they are not anomalous and pathological phenomena on the urban landscape but also a manifestation of urban poverty that is still predominant in the urban economy.

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Cite This Article :

Sribas Goswami, (2013). The Slums: A Note On Facts And Solution ( A Study On Slums Of Raipur City In India). Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. VIII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Abrams, C 1964. “Man's Struggle for the Shelter in an Urbanizing World”, M.I.T Press, Cambridge.
  2. Banerjee, B 1986. “Rural to Urban Migration and the Urban Labor Market”, Himalaya Publishing House, Delhi.
  3. Baker, J. 1995, 'Survival and accumulation strategies at the rural-urban interface in north-west Tanzania: Urban poverty: Characteristics, causes and consequences', Environment and Urbanization, IIED Vol. 7 No 1.
  4. Desai, A.R & Pillai S.D, 1970:” Slums and Urbanization”, Popular Prakashan, Bombay.

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