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Volume : III, Issue : VIII, September - 2013

Determinants Of Childhood Morbidity: ari And Diarrhea In Tamil Nadu

V. Saravanakumar And C. Sivapragsam

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Acute respiratory infections (ARI) and Diarrhea are the major causes for the under 5 mortality. Two thirds of the IMR is being contributed by the Neo-natal mortality (NMR). The present paper highlights the correlates of major childhood morbidity like ARI and Diarrhea of children in Tamil Nadu using Chi Square and Logistic Regression analysis. The underprivileged population groups like Scheduled caste and Scheduled tribes are the targeted population and the determinants of childhood morbidity like illiterate women, children residing in Kachcha houses and the family not covered under health insurance scheme need more attention to reduce childhood morbidity.

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Cite This Article :

V. Saravanakumar And C. Sivapragsam, (2013). Determinants Of Childhood Morbidity: ari And Diarrhea In Tamil Nadu. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. VIII,

References :

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