Volume : III, Issue : V, June - 2013 EXAMINING THE EFFECT OF TEACHING PRACTICE ON PRESERVICE BASIC SCIENCE TEACHERS' SCIENCE TEACHING EFFICACY BELIEFSLOVE M. NNEJI Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : This study investigated the effect of the teaching practice on science teaching
efficacy beliefs among 340 Nigerian preservice basic science teachers from three
different universities within the blueprint of one-group pre-treatment, post-treatment
quasi-experimental research design. In this study, Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs
Instrument (STEBI-B) was used to collect data. Results of the study indicated that the
preservice basic science teachers had high self-efficacy beliefs regarding science
teaching. More so, teaching practice did have significant effect on preservice basic
science teachers' science teaching efficacy beliefs although gender had no significant
effect on preservice basic science teachers' science teaching efficacy beliefs. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : LOVE M. NNEJI, (2013). EXAMINING THE EFFECT OF TEACHING PRACTICE ON PRESERVICE BASIC SCIENCE TEACHERS' SCIENCE TEACHING EFFICACY BELIEFS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. V, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/2637.pdf References : - Akinsola, M. K. and Awofala, A. O. A. (2009). Effect of Personalization of Instruction on Students' Achievement and Self-efficacy in Mathematics Word Problems. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 40(3), 389-404.
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