Volume : III, Issue : V, June - 2013 INCORPORATION OF LARGER Gd3+ RARE EARTH IONS INTO Mn-Cr-Fe NANOCRYSTALLINE POWDER ALLOYSKIRTI DESAI, SUPRIYA KADAM, RAM KADAM, SAGAR E. SHIRSATH Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : Sol-gel auto combustion method is used to synthesize the rare earth Gd3+
incorporated Mn-Cr-Fe nanocrystalline powder. The synthesized powder samples were
annealed at 600 ºC for 4 h. X-ray diffraction data were used to evaluate the structure of
the prepared samples. X-ray diffraction pattern shows the presence of Gd3+ ions. Rare
earth Gd3+ ions form the secondary phase as evidenced by the X-ray diffraction pattern.
Lattice constant (a), X-ray density (d ), Crystallite size (D ), hopping lengths (L and x XRD A
L ), allied parameters such as tetrahedral and octahedral bond length (d and d ), B Ax Bx
tetrahedral edge, shared and unshared octahedral edge (d , dBXE and d ) were AXE BXEU
calculated were calculated using X-ray diffraction data. Hopping lengths and allied
parameters varied with Gd3+ incorporation. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : KIRTI DESAI, SUPRIYA KADAM, RAM KADAM, SAGAR E. SHIRSATH, (2013). INCORPORATION OF LARGER Gd3+ RARE EARTH IONS INTO Mn-Cr-Fe NANOCRYSTALLINE POWDER ALLOYS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. V, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/2636.pdf References : - Sagar E Shirsath, “Synthesis condition reflected structural and magnetic properties of Li05Cr Fe O 05 2 4 nanoparticles” in 'Magnetic Nanoparticles: Properties, Synthesis and Applications' edited by Beate Acklin and Edon Lautens, Nova publishers, New York, 2012.
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