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Volume : III, Issue : VI, July - 2013

Drainage Characteristics and Its Relation to Soil pH and EC ofKurunda River basin of Maharashtra, India

Balaji Avhad,Avinash Kadam,Bhosale A.B.,Yannawar V.B.

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Morphometric analysis of the river is very important factors for the purpose of the management and conservation of soil, water, natural resources and environmental protection. Therefore present study focusing on the Kurunda river basin for the study of its drainage characteristics of soil with references to pH and EC. pH and Electrical Conductivity shows negative relation with stream frequency, relief ratio, drainage density, drainage intensity, Slope, drainage texture, ruggedness number, gradient ratio, compactness constant etc.pH increases from 1st stream order towards 5th stream order, EC dominant found in the 3rd and 5th order relatively.

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Balaji Avhad,Avinash Kadam,Bhosale A.B.,Yannawar V.B., (2013). Drainage Characteristics and Its Relation to Soil pH and EC ofKurunda River basin of Maharashtra, India. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. VI,

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