Volume : III, Issue : V, June - 2013 INDIAN AGRICULTURE AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN INDIASHIVAJI S. SHIMPALE Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : The share of agriculture in the aggregate economy of India has declined rapidly
during the planned development of the country. India is still the country with the poorest
people on our globe: of India's 742 million these live in rural areas. Most people in rural
areas of India depend directly or indirectly on farming for their livelihood. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : SHIVAJI S. SHIMPALE, (2013). INDIAN AGRICULTURE AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN INDIA. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. V, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/2562.pdf References : - Economy at a glance (June 2011-12), Dhankar publications, Meerut
- Survey of Agriculture (2011-12) , Golden Peacock Publications, Delhi-9
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- Anderson K (2003), how can Agricultural Trade reform reduce poverty? Discussion papers No 0321. Center for international Economic Studies, University of Adelaide
- Agricultural statistics at a glance, Indian Farmers Fertilizer Co-op. Ltd., New Delhi August 2011
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