Volume : III, Issue : V, June - 2013 FARMERS SUICIDE IN MAHARASHTRA CASUSES AND REMEDIESVIJAY N. BHOPALE Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : India is a developing country; near about 65% of population depends upon the
agriculture sector, which is a back bone of Indian economy. However the scenario of
Indian agriculture has changed since last two decades on one hand the cost of
production in agriculture is increasing on the other hand farmers are not able to cover
the cost of production from sale, so the farmers are suffering from debt trap & this
ultimately inducing to commit suicide. In India number of states is facing the problem of
farmer's suicide. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : VIJAY N. BHOPALE, (2013). FARMERS SUICIDE IN MAHARASHTRA CASUSES AND REMEDIES. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. V, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/2507.pdf References : - Govt. of India- Economic survey of India. 2011-12
- Economic survey of Maharashtra 2011-12
- Farmers suicides - P. Sainath Case Study of Prof. K. Nagraj (Madras Institute of Dev. Studies) http://www.indiatogather.org/ 2007/nov/psa-mids1.htm
- WIKIPEDIA-Free Encyclopedia.
- w. w. w. Indiatogether org.
- Hindustan times, 17 April, 2013.
- dna 29 April,2013.
- Business Line.s
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