DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : III, Issue : V, June - 2013



DOI : 10.9780/22307850, Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Women constitute almost half of the total population of India; play a vital role in socio-economic functioning of society. Since the inception of the human civilization women have been an integral part of nature, society and culture. Half of the world's population (known as better half) is women, but better half are great suffers in men dominated society under men made laws. For countless centuries women in India has been subordinated to men and socially oppressed. It is ironical that in a country where womanhood has been put on pedestal for worship, incidence of wife battering, molestation of women in various forms like rape, eve- teasing, abduction and bride burning among keep on increasing year to year. An attempt has been made in this paper to analyze the cases of violence against women in Jammu City of Jammu and Kashmir State of India, its consequences, some important preventive measures for the eradication of violence against women and for strengthening the position of women in the study area.

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TAJINDER KOUR, (2013). VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN JAMMU CITY: A GEOGRAPHICAL PERSPECTIVE. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. V, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Agrawal, Sushila (1988): “Status of Women”, Printwell Publishers, Jaipur, India.
  2. Ahuja, Ram (2003): “Violence against Women”, Rawat Publication, New Delhi, India.
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  4. Kudechetkar, S. (1996): “Violence against Women-Women”, New Delhi, University Press.
  5. Mishra, R.B. and Singh, Chandrapal (1992): “Indian Women Challenges & Change”, Common Wealth Publishers, New Delhi, India.
  6. Prasad, N. (2007): “Women and Development”, APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, India
  7. Rout, H.S. and Panda, P.K. (2008): “Gender and Development in India”, New Century Publications, New Delhi, India.

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