Volume : III, Issue : V, June - 2013 STUDENT LEARNING STYLE ON MATHEMATICS THROUGH BUGIS-MAKASSAR CULTURE IRWAN AKIB Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : This research focused on students learning style of mathematic by examining
how Bugis-Makassar culture influences the students' perspective towards learning
Mathematics.Senior High School students were observed closely. The study was
undertaken from a constructivist perspective of learning according to which students'
learn through active participation in the construction of knowledge (Glasersfeld, 1995).
This was a significant in the context of mathematics learning style in Makassar which
apply the traditional cultural value “ siri'napa'ce” (very high motivation and spirit)
(Abidin, 1983). Key findings of the study were that the students' learning style on
mathematic are dominated by activist and pragmatist. It means that the students have
high responsibility, spirit and motivation in solving the problem in Bugis-Makassar
philosophy. The study also provides some useful insights into the sequence of teaching
and learning mathematic by integrating traditional cultural in the classroom. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : IRWAN AKIB, (2013). STUDENT LEARNING STYLE ON MATHEMATICS THROUGH BUGIS-MAKASSAR CULTURE . Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. V, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/2468.pdf References : - Abdullah, Hamid.,1985., Manusia Bugis Makassar. Jakarta: Indti Idayu Press
- Abidin, Andi Zainal., 1983. Persepsi Orang Bugis Makassar tentang Hukum, Negara dan Dunia Luar. Bandung: Penerbit Alumni.
- Alexander, R. (2000). Culture and pedagogy.MaIden, MA: Blackwell Publishers
- .Bruner,1. (1996). The culture of education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
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