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Volume : I, Issue : V, June - 2011

Agricultural Development in Punjab: Issues and Challenges

Gurdas Singh

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The state of Punjab has achieved significant strides in the development of agriculture. The present level of prosperity in the state is one of the highest with highest per capita income and consumption in the country. It is all due to the spectacular progress made in agriculture by the farmers of Punjab. The Punjab with 1.53 per cent of the total geographical area of the country is consistently contributing 60-70per cent of wheat and about 45-50 per cent rice to the central pool. The production of wheat has increased from 24.51 lac tones in 1966-67 to 144.60 lac tones in 1998-1999.The Table1 shows that between 1970-71 and 2000- 01, production of wheat has gone up more than three times from nearly five million tons to more than 15.5 million tons. In fact if we compare the production of wheat in 2000-01 with the production wheat in 1960-61 than during these forty years it has gone up by more than nine times. Similarly the production of rice has gone up from 3.38 lac tones in 1966-67 to 79.40 lac tones in 1998-99. The production of Rice which is the major crop of Punjab has gone up more than thirteen times between 1970-71 and 2000-01. Total food grain production in the state has also increased by more than three and half times.

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Gurdas Singh, (2011). Agricultural Development in Punjab: Issues and Challenges. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. I, Issue. V,

References :

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