Volume : III, Issue : II, March - 2013 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF DIGITAL RECEIVER USING MULTI-BIT FFT ALGORITHM IN RADAR EW APPLICATIONS M.L.S.N. SWARAJYA LAKSHMI , D.S RAM KIRAN AND NIRANJAN PRASAD Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : In radar EW applications, the problem of simultaneous signal remains as a
problem of DIFM receiver ,which is being solved using the digital receiver.. A low SNR
signals can be processed only using the digital receiver which is not possible using the
analog receiver. These digital receivers are well suited to perform as wide band
Channelizer, tunedsuperheterodyne receiver, compressive receiver functions .In this
paper we have analysed and studied the advantages of designing the digital receiver
using monobit and multibit fft algorithms ,simulation results of algorithms are presented. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : M.L.S.N. SWARAJYA LAKSHMI , D.S RAM KIRAN AND NIRANJAN PRASAD, (2013). ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF DIGITAL RECEIVER USING MULTI-BIT FFT ALGORITHM IN RADAR EW APPLICATIONS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. II, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/2141.pdf References : - Tsui J. .”Digital Technique for Wideband Receiver,Norwood “MA: Artech House,2006
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- Roberto Gomez Garcia & Mateo Burgos Garcia,”Optimization of a Monobit FFT Radar Interceiver using a Genetic Algorithm “IEEE 2010.
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