DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : II, Issue : XII, January - 2013



DOI : 10.9780/22307850, Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

In this paper an attempt is made to study the Juvenile Delinquency in slum of Solapur city. Solapur city has got more than 12 lakhs of population within which 220 slums are there. In these slums 2.20 lakhs of people are living. Delinquency is the type of abnormality. The problem of Juvenile delinquency in Solapur city is very severe. These delinquents also include in sealing bulbs, shoes, cloths, water tabs and snatch gold ornaments of people crowded in the temple and at the time of jatra or in any crowded place. Some time, they do deliberately pick pocketing also. Poverty, absence of education, lack of parental care, love and affection are main causes of juvenile delinquency. For the purpose of this study, observation and detailed interview method is employed. The requested additional information is collected by informal discussion with slum community people and leaders.

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BHAGYASHRI M. PATIL, (2013). JUVENILE DELINQUENCY IN SLUM OF SOLAPUR CITY. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. XII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

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  4. Varma P. : Pathology of crime and Delinquency, Sanhitya Bhavan Publishers, Agra, 1972.

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