Volume : II, Issue : XI, December - 2012 DOAS AS AN ANAL YTICAL TOOLFOR EFFECTIVE AIR POLLUTION MANAGEMENT RASHMI KIRAN , A.K.VERMA AND SANDEEPSUDHANSHU Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : Long–path differential optical absorption spectroscopy is one of the
best–suited monitoring techniques for the initialization and validation of photo chemical
grid models. This technique has proven to be useful as well for tracking pollution
episodes and for long-term monitoring of criteria and non-criteria air pollutants. DOAS
is a highly specific, non-invasive technique particularly appropriate for the detection of
very reactive species, such as fonmaldehyde, nitrous acid, nitrate and hydroxyl radicals.
In addition, once a DOAS system is furnished with the appropriate reference spectra, it
requires no further gas calibration in the field. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : RASHMI KIRAN , A.K.VERMA AND SANDEEPSUDHANSHU, (2012). DOAS AS AN ANAL YTICAL TOOLFOR EFFECTIVE AIR POLLUTION MANAGEMENT. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. XI, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/1803.pdf References : - Finlayson-Pitts, B.; Pitts J., Chemistry of the upper and lower atmosphere, Academic Press, 1999
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