DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : II, Issue : XI, December - 2012



DOI : 10.9780/22307850, Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Information unleashes our imagination and challenges our preconceptions and thereby provides us with a pathway to personal growth and fulfilment. In this information rich world, where the scope of available information appears limitless, there is a growing need for students to become critical users of information. For students, regardless of their discipline, information literacy skills enable them to master content and give them the confidence to proceed with investigation, be self reliant and have a sense of being in control of their learning. Information literacy is a global phenomenon today and the critical importance of the role of information literacy is gaining increased recognition Information literacy means knowing information about information. It refers to a constellation of skills revolving around information research and use. Dissemination of information alone is not sufficient instead the user of information should be taught to make the best use of the options provided to enhance their knowledge to perform a particular task. The present paper tries to assess the role of the faculty members in degree colleges located in rural areas consisting of students with least or no knowledge of information literacy, in disseminating and introducing to the students the usage and importance of information literacy in their academics. The burden of introducing information literacy to the students ultimately lies on the shoulders of the faculty members especially in the colleges located in rural areas where the students do not have adequate access to tools of information literacy and it is the right of every student coming from a rural background to be exposed to tools of information literacy.

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PRANESH SHANTARAM, (2012). CHALLENGES IN SPREADING INFORMATION LITERACY AMONG STUDENTS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. XI, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

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