DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : II, Issue : X, November - 2012



DOI : 10.9780/22307850, Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The present study was conducted to test the hypothesis that music training causes improvements in several aspects of Mental Health. The researcher tested this hypothesis using a “pre-post” intervention study design, in which researcher measured adolescent's Mental Health. Initially 588 students from Senior College were selected for the present study. All were nineteen-to-twenty one year old. Pre testing sessions were conducted on several small groups. By using the Mithila Mental Health Status Inventory (MMHSI) prepared by Anandkumar and Giridhar Thakur data was collected. In all 54 students who found poor in Mental Health enrolled for this study. This group met for instructions of music therapy, after the regular class time for 45 minutes per day, all days of week, over eight-week period. The group focused on music activities. These included listening music as well as singing. This group of students was tested again after completion of eight-week period of music therapy. They were tested on five measures: Egocentrism, Alienation, Expression, Emotional Unstability, and Social Non-conformity. Suitable statistical treatment was given to the data for analysis of the scores. Results show that there were significant improvements in Mental Health. Taken together, these findings suggest that music training produces remarkable improvements in Adolescent's Mental Health.

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DINESH P. NAIK, (2012). IMPACT OF INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC ON MENTAL HEALTH OF ADOLESCENTS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. X, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

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