Volume : II, Issue : VIII, September - 2012 Computer Based Learning Rediscovered Role In Achievement of Students In Secondary SchoolsDr. K. Dakshinamurthy Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : This paper emphasizes that how the use of Information and Communication
Technology through Computer Based Learning Approach will influence on achievement
of students. Objectives of this paper is to study the effects of use of ICT through CBL on
achievement of students in secondary school. In order to collect the required data , the
computer software developed locally covering a particular topic according to the new
curriculum. Sample of this study was two secondary schools as an experimental group.
Out of which 37 boys and 37 girls were taken through randomly based on their pre-test
achievements scores. For analysis of data descriptive statistics were used to describe
and summarize the respondents Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : Dr. K. Dakshinamurthy, (2012). Computer Based Learning Rediscovered Role In Achievement of Students In Secondary Schools. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. VIII, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/1368.pdf References : - Aiello, N. C., & Wolfe, L. M. (1980). A meta-analysis of individualized instruction in science. Boston: American Educational Research Association.
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