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Volume : II, Issue : VIII, September - 2012

Efficient Turbo Decoder Implementation For Software Defined Radios

Rupesh Singh and Nidhi Singh

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

This paper provides a description of the turbo code used by the UMTS thirdgeneration cellular standard, as standardized by the Third-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), and proposes an efficient decoder suitable for insertion into softwaredefined radio or for use in computer simulations. Because the decoder is implemented in software, rather than hardware, singleprecision floating-point arithmetic is assumed and a variable number of decoder iterations is not only possible but desirable. The wellknown log-MAP decoding algorithm with detailed analysis is proposed and the simulation results are shown.

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Rupesh Singh and Nidhi Singh, (2012). Efficient Turbo Decoder Implementation For Software Defined Radios. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. VIII,

References :

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