Volume : II, Issue : VII, August - 2012 Design And Analysis Of Vehicle Chassis Frame Tulasiram Nasikai, T.N Charyulu Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : This paper study about the design and analysis of heavy vehicle chassis frame.
Traditionally, the most common material for manufacturing vehicle chassis has been
steel, in various forms. Over time, other materials have come into use, the majority of
which have been is Steel & Aluminium. In this paper traditional materials are replaced
with composite materials [Carbon Epoxy and E- glass epoxy]. For validation the design
is done by applying the vertical loads acting on the horizontal C- Chanel Static.
Structural and Modal Analysis is conducted by varying the layers and also by changing
the reinforcement angles in the layers.
Keywords: Chassis frame; Carbon Epoxy; E-Glass Epoxy; Structural and Modal
Analysis. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : Tulasiram Nasikai, T.N Charyulu, (2012). Design And Analysis Of Vehicle Chassis Frame. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. VII, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/1257.pdf References : - Autar K. Kaw, "Mechanics of Composite Materials", CRC press, 1997.
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