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Volume : II, Issue : VII, August - 2012

Product Patents on drugs and Medicines - A critique

Dinesh kumar D.Patil

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

India has shifted to a new product patent regime from process patents which was considered as a transition period from 1995-200, All the developing countries and least developed countries were under an obligation to amend the Patent Laws in their respective countries to meet the norms of minimum standard as envisaged in the TRIPS Agreement although there were oppositions from all the corners of the world but the Doha declaration was brought to cover up the loop holes to protect the public health by providing flexibilities which were not clearly made out the paper discusses how it affected the general public in having access to life saving drugs and what steps can be taken in the light of stricter norms of IPR regimes..

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Dinesh kumar D.Patil, (2012). Product Patents on drugs and Medicines - A critique. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. VII,

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