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Volume : II, Issue : VI, July - 2012

The relationship between Religiosity and Test anxiety in high school students

Yadollah Eghdami and Ayatollah Karimi

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Purpose. The aim of the present study is to determine the relationship between Religiosity and test anxiety in high school students. Background. With respect the Previous studies it has revealed that “Religiosity has a negative correlation with Students test anxiety ". Method. The sample comprised 136 (66 males and 70 females) 9th grade high school students from Iran. Test anxiety scale (TAQ) and Religiosity questionnaire carried out on the student's group sample. Pearson correlation and two independent sample tests used to analyze the data.

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Yadollah Eghdami and Ayatollah Karimi, (2012). The relationship between Religiosity and Test anxiety in high school students. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. VI,

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