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Volume : II, Issue : VI, July - 2012

Intensive Irrigation Practices & Groundwater Depletion In Seven Selected Blocks In The Rarh (west Of The Bhagirathi) In Murshidabad West Bengal

Noorjahan Khatoon and Samaresh Mondal

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The district of Murshidabad is highly potential for agriculture and developed with crop rating more than 200% .Out of total agricultural land about 70% yields 3 crops annually and the rest single crop . Population growth rate is very fast is (4% annually). Irrigation in the study area is almost wholly groundwater based. The paper is mainly concerned with the groundwater depletion following the Green Revolution in the western part of the Bhagirathi of the district. The people living in the area were simply driven by dire necessity of making up the scarcity of food crops. Following the Green Revolution, introduction of high yielding varieties of dwarf species brought about an abrupt change in crop pattern entailing an environmentally adverse impact on the land & water resources. The ground water condition has substantially deteriorated for the last 30 years. Both pre & post monsoon water levels have gone down by 1m to 5m in an average.

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Noorjahan Khatoon and Samaresh Mondal, (2012). Intensive Irrigation Practices & Groundwater Depletion In Seven Selected Blocks In The Rarh (west Of The Bhagirathi) In Murshidabad West Bengal. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. VI,

References :

  1. Misra A .K (1989): Hydrology and groundwater resources of MSD, West Bengal, CGWB.
  2. Sinha M. K & I. Dasgupta (1999): A preliminary study on Hydrology of the alluvial tract in and around Kandi, MSD, West Bengal
  3. Groundwater Information Booklet, District Murshidabad, West Bengal, CGWB, Eastern Region, Kolkata, July, 2007.
  4. Comprehensive Hydrological Information of Murshidabad, Geological Div., No. 111, Berhampore, June, 1998 CGWB
  5. Hydrological Atlas of West Bengal, Eastern Region, CGWB

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