Volume : VIII, Issue : I, February - 2018 SOCIAL LIFE OF BANI ZIRI IN GRANADA (403-483)Dr. Ashok Yakkaldevi, None By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : Zirids were a part of Sanhadja Berbers who originated from Maghreb urban areas to Gharnatah in965and subsequent to assuming job in battling among Arabs and Berbers they could vanquish Gharnatah government. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : Dr. Ashok Yakkaldevi, None(2018). SOCIAL LIFE OF BANI ZIRI IN GRANADA (403-483). Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. VIII, Issue. I, http://isrj.org/UploadedData/9951.pdf References : - Munes, Hussein, Dawn of Andalucia, translated by Rahim Ghasemian, Tehran, Sureh Publication, 2 005.
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