DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : VI, Issue : VI, July - 2016


Prof. Bhistannavar Vasant Appanna, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The paper aims at observing the sufferings of black diaspora as reflected in a slave narrative written by David Dabydeen (b.1955) a British-Caribbean poet, novelist and an authority on 18th century slave past.

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    Prof. Bhistannavar Vasant Appanna, None(2016). DAVID DABYDEEN’S A HARLOT’S PROGRESS : A DIASPORIC TRAVAIL FROM SUFFERING TO DEGRADATION. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. VI, Issue. VI, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

    1. Dabydeen, David. A Harlot’s progress, London: J. Cape, 1999.
    2. Seldon, Raman. and Peter Brooker Peter Widdowson ed. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory India: Pearson 2006, 2011(Fifth Edition).
    3. McLeod, John. Beginning Postcolonialism, New Delhi: Viva Books, 2011, 2013 (Indian Reprint).
    4. McLeod, John. Beginning Postcolonialism, New Delhi: Viva Books, 2011, 2013 (Indian Reprint).
    5. Dabydeen, David. A Harlot’s progress, London: J. Cape, 1999.
    6. Seldon, Raman. and Peter Brooker Peter Widdowson ed. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory India: Pearson 2006, 2011(Fifth Edition).
    7. McLeod, John. Beginning Postcolonialism, New Delhi: Viva Books, 2011, 2013 (Indian Reprint).
    8. Dabydeen, David. A Harlot’s progress, London: J. Cape, 1999.
    9. Seldon, Raman. and Peter Brooker Peter Widdowson ed. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory India: Pearson 2006, 2011(Fifth Edition).
    10. McLeod, John. Beginning Postcolonialism, New Delhi: Viva Books, 2011, 2013 (Indian Reprint).
    11. Dabydeen, David. A Harlot’s progress, London: J. Cape, 1999.
    12. Seldon, Raman. and Peter Brooker Peter Widdowson ed. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory India: Pearson 2006, 2011(Fifth Edition).
    13. Dabydeen, David. A Harlot’s progress, London: J. Cape, 1999.
    14. Seldon, Raman. and Peter Brooker Peter Widdowson ed. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory India: Pearson 2006, 2011(Fifth Edition).
    15. McLeod, John. Beginning Postcolonialism, New Delhi: Viva Books, 2011, 2013 (Indian Reprint).
    16. Dabydeen, David. A Harlot’s progress, London: J. Cape, 1999.
    17. Seldon, Raman. and Peter Brooker Peter Widdowson ed. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory India: Pearson 2006, 2011(Fifth Edition).
    18. Dabydeen, David. A Harlot’s progress, London: J. Cape, 1999.
    19. Seldon, Raman. and Peter Brooker Peter Widdowson ed. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory India: Pearson 2006, 2011(Fifth Edition).
    20. McLeod, John. Beginning Postcolonialism, New Delhi: Viva Books, 2011, 2013 (Indian Reprint).
    21. McLeod, John. Beginning Postcolonialism, New Delhi: Viva Books, 2011, 2013 (Indian Reprint).
    22. McLeod, John. Beginning Postcolonialism, New Delhi: Viva Books, 2011, 2013 (Indian Reprint).
    23. Dabydeen, David. A Harlot’s progress, London: J. Cape, 1999.
    24. Seldon, Raman. and Peter Brooker Peter Widdowson ed. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory India: Pearson 2006, 2011(Fifth Edition).
    25. McLeod, John. Beginning Postcolonialism, New Delhi: Viva Books, 2011, 2013 (Indian Reprint).
    26. Dabydeen, David. A Harlot’s progress, London: J. Cape, 1999.
    27. Seldon, Raman. and Peter Brooker Peter Widdowson ed. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory India: Pearson 2006, 2011(Fifth Edition).

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