DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : VI, Issue : V, June - 2016


Idhole R.L., Chhaba S. G. and Dabhade D. S.

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Wetland is among the most productive ecosystems in the world. Aquatic weeds always thrive in places of marshy lands and water logged areas of the world.

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    Idhole R.L., Chhaba S. G. and Dabhade D. S.(2016). BIODIVERSITY OF AQUATIC WEEDS IN WASHIM REGION OF MAHARASHTRA, INDIA.. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. VI, Issue. V, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

    1. Anderson L.W. (2003): A review of aquatic weed biology and management research conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research. Pest Manag Sci Vol 59: 801–813.
    2. Anderson L.W. (2003): A review of aquatic weed biology and management research conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research. Pest Manag Sci Vol 59: 801–813.
    3. Bhagyaleena P. and R. Gopalan(2012): Aquatic Medicinal Plants in Ponds of Palakkad, Kerala, India J. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences ; Vol 2, P 29-35.
    4. Bhupendra S. A and M. B Mani (2008) : Floral diversity of Baanganga Wetland, Uttarakhand, India ,Vol 4(3):P 279–290.
    5. Cook,C.D.K.(1996). Aquatic and Wetland Plants in India,Oxford university Press,London.
    6. 5.Khan M. J., Steingass H. and W. Drochner (2002) : Evaluation of Some Aquatic Plants from Bangladesh through Mineral Composition, In Vitro Gas Production and In Situ Degradation Measurement. J. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. Vol 15 (4): P 537-542.
    7. Bhagyaleena P. and R. Gopalan(2012): Aquatic Medicinal Plants in Ponds of Palakkad, Kerala, India J. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences ; Vol 2, P 29-35.
    8. Bhupendra S. A and M. B Mani (2008) : Floral diversity of Baanganga Wetland, Uttarakhand, India ,Vol 4(3):P 279–290.
    9. Cook,C.D.K.(1996). Aquatic and Wetland Plants in India,Oxford university Press,London.
    10. 5.Khan M. J., Steingass H. and W. Drochner (2002) : Evaluation of Some Aquatic Plants from Bangladesh through Mineral Composition, In Vitro Gas Production and In Situ Degradation Measurement. J. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. Vol 15 (4): P 537-542.
    11. Anderson L.W. (2003): A review of aquatic weed biology and management research conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research. Pest Manag Sci Vol 59: 801–813.
    12. Anderson L.W. (2003): A review of aquatic weed biology and management research conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research. Pest Manag Sci Vol 59: 801–813.
    13. Bhagyaleena P. and R. Gopalan(2012): Aquatic Medicinal Plants in Ponds of Palakkad, Kerala, India J. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences ; Vol 2, P 29-35.
    14. Cook,C.D.K.(1996). Aquatic and Wetland Plants in India,Oxford university Press,London.
    15. 5.Khan M. J., Steingass H. and W. Drochner (2002) : Evaluation of Some Aquatic Plants from Bangladesh through Mineral Composition, In Vitro Gas Production and In Situ Degradation Measurement. J. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. Vol 15 (4): P 537-542.
    16. Bhupendra S. A and M. B Mani (2008) : Floral diversity of Baanganga Wetland, Uttarakhand, India ,Vol 4(3):P 279–290.
    17. Cook,C.D.K.(1996). Aquatic and Wetland Plants in India,Oxford university Press,London.
    18. 5.Khan M. J., Steingass H. and W. Drochner (2002) : Evaluation of Some Aquatic Plants from Bangladesh through Mineral Composition, In Vitro Gas Production and In Situ Degradation Measurement. J. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. Vol 15 (4): P 537-542.
    19. Anderson L.W. (2003): A review of aquatic weed biology and management research conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research. Pest Manag Sci Vol 59: 801–813.
    20. Bhagyaleena P. and R. Gopalan(2012): Aquatic Medicinal Plants in Ponds of Palakkad, Kerala, India J. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences ; Vol 2, P 29-35.
    21. Bhupendra S. A and M. B Mani (2008) : Floral diversity of Baanganga Wetland, Uttarakhand, India ,Vol 4(3):P 279–290.
    22. Anderson L.W. (2003): A review of aquatic weed biology and management research conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research. Pest Manag Sci Vol 59: 801–813.

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