DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : VI, Issue : IV, May - 2016


Avadhutrao S. Jadhav, Sambhaji R. Bamane

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Tectona-grandis leaves powder (TGLP) is used in removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous solution conducting batch equilibrium adsorption. The adsorbent which has been developed and used newly is more effective than the traditional ones.

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    Avadhutrao S. Jadhav, Sambhaji R. Bamane(2016). TECTONA-GRANDIS LEAVES AS LOW COST ADSORBENT FOR THE REMOVAL OF Cr(VI) FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTION. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. VI, Issue. IV, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

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    12. Dakiky.M, Khami.A, Manassra.A, and Mer’eb M ‘Selective adsorption of chromium (VI) in industrial waste water using low cost abundantly available adsorbents’ Advances in Environmental Research,6(4): 533-540(2002)
    13. Sharma D.C. and Forster C.F. column ‘studies into the adsorption of Cr(VI) using sphagnum moss peat, Bioresources Technology 52:261-267.(1995)
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    17. Kim S.D, Park K.S, and Gu, M. B, ‘Materials Toxicity of hexavalent chromium to Daphnia Magna influence of reduction reaction by ferrous iron’, Journal of Hazardous 93 (2):155-164. (2002)
    18. Ozer A, Altundogan H.S, Erdem, M, and Tunmen F,(1997) ‘A Study on the Cr(VI) removal from aqueous solutions by steel wool’. Environmental Pollution. 97 (1-2): 107-112. ,(1997)
    19. Dakiky.M, Khami.A, Manassra.A, and Mer’eb M ‘Selective adsorption of chromium (VI) in industrial waste water using low cost abundantly available adsorbents’ Advances in Environmental Research,6(4): 533-540(2002)
    20. Sharma D.C. and Forster C.F. column ‘studies into the adsorption of Cr(VI) using sphagnum moss peat, Bioresources Technology 52:261-267.(1995)
    21. Ozer A, Altundogan H.S, Erdem, M, and Tunmen F,(1997) ‘A Study on the Cr(VI) removal from aqueous solutions by steel wool’. Environmental Pollution. 97 (1-2): 107-112. ,(1997)
    22. Gholami F, Mahvi A.H, .Omrani Gh.A, .Nazmara S, .Ghasri A, Removal of chromium (VI)from aqueous solution by ulmus leaves, Iron J.Environ Health Sci.Eng.3: 97-102 (2006)
    23. Dakiky.M, Khami.A, Manassra.A, and Mer’eb M ‘Selective adsorption of chromium (VI) in industrial waste water using low cost abundantly available adsorbents’ Advances in Environmental Research,6(4): 533-540(2002)
    24. Sharma D.C. and Forster C.F. column ‘studies into the adsorption of Cr(VI) using sphagnum moss peat, Bioresources Technology 52:261-267.(1995)
    25. Kim S.D, Park K.S, and Gu, M. B, ‘Materials Toxicity of hexavalent chromium to Daphnia Magna influence of reduction reaction by ferrous iron’, Journal of Hazardous 93 (2):155-164. (2002)
    26. Dakiky.M, Khami.A, Manassra.A, and Mer’eb M ‘Selective adsorption of chromium (VI) in industrial waste water using low cost abundantly available adsorbents’ Advances in Environmental Research,6(4): 533-540(2002)
    27. Sharma D.C. and Forster C.F. column ‘studies into the adsorption of Cr(VI) using sphagnum moss peat, Bioresources Technology 52:261-267.(1995)
    28. Ozer A, Altundogan H.S, Erdem, M, and Tunmen F,(1997) ‘A Study on the Cr(VI) removal from aqueous solutions by steel wool’. Environmental Pollution. 97 (1-2): 107-112. ,(1997)

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