DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : VI, Issue : IV, May - 2016


Priyadarshani Umesh Chorage, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

You are Mother, you are sister, you are confidant, you are kindness, you are forgiveness, you are calmness and you are Goddess. Woman has been elaborated like this through ages. This is a some drawing of her glory. In addition, there are standards of her prestige. Her beauty has been elaborated like, you are ‘Kamalakshi’, you are ‘Minakshi’, you are ‘Kusuma’, you are ‘Koumudi’ and you are ‘Vama’ (A beautiful woman) in Sanskrit literature.

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    Priyadarshani Umesh Chorage, None(2016). DIET AFFECTS WOMEN’S HEALTH AND BEAUTY. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. VI, Issue. IV, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

    1. Chorage Priyadarshani, 2005, Impact of Modern Communication on the Changing Views of Urban Women towards Beautification; A Study in Kolhapur City. Shivaji University , Kolhapur.
    2. Ritzer George,Goodman Douglas,2003,‘Sociological Theory’, McGraw Hill,Boston Burr Ridge, Il Dubuque, LA Madison, WI New York, San Francisco St. Louis, Bangkok, Bogota,Caracas, KualaLumpur, Lisbon, London, Madrid,
    3. Dr.Kane shantaram,the author of Diet & Lifestyle for Health in The 21’st Century,and leading practitioner of Ayurveda. , 2015, interview
    4. Chorage Priyadarshani, 2005, Impact of Modern Communication on the Changing Views of Urban Women towards Beautification; A Study in Kolhapur City. Shivaji University , Kolhapur.
    5. Ritzer George,Goodman Douglas,2003,‘Sociological Theory’, McGraw Hill,Boston Burr Ridge, Il Dubuque, LA Madison, WI New York, San Francisco St. Louis, Bangkok, Bogota,Caracas, KualaLumpur, Lisbon, London, Madrid,
    6. Dr.Kane shantaram,the author of Diet & Lifestyle for Health in The 21’st Century,and leading practitioner of Ayurveda. , 2015, interview
    7. ‘Know it all’, Publication- Dorling Kindersley Limited, ed. 2010, 80 Strand, London, WC2R0RL
    8. Kane Dr.Shantaram,2011, Diet & Lifestyle for Health in The 21’st Century, APK , Publishers,Ved Vihar, near Chandani Chouk,Paud Road Pune 411038
    9. Simon de Beauvoir,2010, ‘The Second Sex’, Translated by Karuna Gokhale,Padmagandha Prakashan 36/11 Dhanwantari Co.Operative Society , Pandurang colony, Erandwana Pune 411038
    10. ‘Know it all’, Publication- Dorling Kindersley Limited, ed. 2010, 80 Strand, London, WC2R0RL
    11. Kane Dr.Shantaram,2011, Diet & Lifestyle for Health in The 21’st Century, APK , Publishers,Ved Vihar, near Chandani Chouk,Paud Road Pune 411038
    12. Simon de Beauvoir,2010, ‘The Second Sex’, Translated by Karuna Gokhale,Padmagandha Prakashan 36/11 Dhanwantari Co.Operative Society , Pandurang colony, Erandwana Pune 411038
    13. ‘Know it all’, Publication- Dorling Kindersley Limited, ed. 2010, 80 Strand, London, WC2R0RL
    14. Kane Dr.Shantaram,2011, Diet & Lifestyle for Health in The 21’st Century, APK , Publishers,Ved Vihar, near Chandani Chouk,Paud Road Pune 411038
    15. Simon de Beauvoir,2010, ‘The Second Sex’, Translated by Karuna Gokhale,Padmagandha Prakashan 36/11 Dhanwantari Co.Operative Society , Pandurang colony, Erandwana Pune 411038
    16. Simon de Beauvoir,2010, ‘The Second Sex’, Translated by Karuna Gokhale,Padmagandha Prakashan 36/11 Dhanwantari Co.Operative Society , Pandurang colony, Erandwana Pune 411038
    17. Kane Dr.Shantaram,2011, Diet & Lifestyle for Health in The 21’st Century, APK , Publishers,Ved Vihar, near Chandani Chouk,Paud Road Pune 411038
    18. Chorage Priyadarshani, 2005, Impact of Modern Communication on the Changing Views of Urban Women towards Beautification; A Study in Kolhapur City. Shivaji University , Kolhapur.
    19. Ritzer George,Goodman Douglas,2003,‘Sociological Theory’, McGraw Hill,Boston Burr Ridge, Il Dubuque, LA Madison, WI New York, San Francisco St. Louis, Bangkok, Bogota,Caracas, KualaLumpur, Lisbon, London, Madrid,
    20. Dr.Kane shantaram,the author of Diet & Lifestyle for Health in The 21’st Century,and leading practitioner of Ayurveda. , 2015, interview
    21. ‘Know it all’, Publication- Dorling Kindersley Limited, ed. 2010, 80 Strand, London, WC2R0RL
    22. ‘Know it all’, Publication- Dorling Kindersley Limited, ed. 2010, 80 Strand, London, WC2R0RL
    23. Kane Dr.Shantaram,2011, Diet & Lifestyle for Health in The 21’st Century, APK , Publishers,Ved Vihar, near Chandani Chouk,Paud Road Pune 411038
    24. Simon de Beauvoir,2010, ‘The Second Sex’, Translated by Karuna Gokhale,Padmagandha Prakashan 36/11 Dhanwantari Co.Operative Society , Pandurang colony, Erandwana Pune 411038
    25. Chorage Priyadarshani, 2005, Impact of Modern Communication on the Changing Views of Urban Women towards Beautification; A Study in Kolhapur City. Shivaji University , Kolhapur.
    26. Ritzer George,Goodman Douglas,2003,‘Sociological Theory’, McGraw Hill,Boston Burr Ridge, Il Dubuque, LA Madison, WI New York, San Francisco St. Louis, Bangkok, Bogota,Caracas, KualaLumpur, Lisbon, London, Madrid,
    27. Dr.Kane shantaram,the author of Diet & Lifestyle for Health in The 21’st Century,and leading practitioner of Ayurveda. , 2015, interview
    28. Chorage Priyadarshani, 2005, Impact of Modern Communication on the Changing Views of Urban Women towards Beautification; A Study in Kolhapur City. Shivaji University , Kolhapur.
    29. Ritzer George,Goodman Douglas,2003,‘Sociological Theory’, McGraw Hill,Boston Burr Ridge, Il Dubuque, LA Madison, WI New York, San Francisco St. Louis, Bangkok, Bogota,Caracas, KualaLumpur, Lisbon, London, Madrid,
    30. Dr.Kane shantaram,the author of Diet & Lifestyle for Health in The 21’st Century,and leading practitioner of Ayurveda. , 2015, interview
    31. Simon de Beauvoir,2010, ‘The Second Sex’, Translated by Karuna Gokhale,Padmagandha Prakashan 36/11 Dhanwantari Co.Operative Society , Pandurang colony, Erandwana Pune 411038
    32. ‘Know it all’, Publication- Dorling Kindersley Limited, ed. 2010, 80 Strand, London, WC2R0RL
    33. Kane Dr.Shantaram,2011, Diet & Lifestyle for Health in The 21’st Century, APK , Publishers,Ved Vihar, near Chandani Chouk,Paud Road Pune 411038
    34. Chorage Priyadarshani, 2005, Impact of Modern Communication on the Changing Views of Urban Women towards Beautification; A Study in Kolhapur City. Shivaji University , Kolhapur.
    35. Ritzer George,Goodman Douglas,2003,‘Sociological Theory’, McGraw Hill,Boston Burr Ridge, Il Dubuque, LA Madison, WI New York, San Francisco St. Louis, Bangkok, Bogota,Caracas, KualaLumpur, Lisbon, London, Madrid,
    36. Dr.Kane shantaram,the author of Diet & Lifestyle for Health in The 21’st Century,and leading practitioner of Ayurveda. , 2015, interview

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