DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : X, November - 2015


D. Kalyani, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Manavil Kottam was one among the 24 Kottams of Tondaimandalam. This ancient district played a vital role in State politics during the Imperial Chola period. The eminent personalities of this region rendered their eminent services to the society, under the Imerial Cholas. By virtue of their talent and chivalry they became generals in army, officials in the revenue department of the government and their philonthrophic activities by virtue of their wealth, they contributed much to the develop- ment of agriculture and reli- gion in different parts of Tamil country.

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    Cite This Article :

    D. Kalyani, None(2015). EMINENT PERSONALITIES OF MANAVIL KOTTAM IN STATE POLITY . Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. X, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

    1. S.I.I, Vol. III., Pt. III., No.205
    2. Ibid., 585 of 1920; S. I.I. Vol. XIII., No.146
    3. K.A.N. Sastri, Op.Cit. p. 266
    4. Ibid., 165 of 1894
    5. A.R.E. 328 of 1909
    6. A.R.E. 258 of 1910
    7. S.I.I, Vol. III., Pt. III., No.205
    8. Ibid., 585 of 1920; S. I.I. Vol. XIII., No.146
    9. K.A.N. Sastri, Op.Cit. p. 266
    10. Ibid., 165 of 1894
    11. A.R.E. 328 of 1909
    12. S.I.I, Vol. III., Pt. III., No.205
    13. Ibid., 585 of 1920; S. I.I. Vol. XIII., No.146
    14. A.R.E. 258 of 1910
    15. K.A.N. Sastri, Op.Cit. p. 266
    16. Ibid., 246 of 1910
    17. Ibid., 165 of 1894
    18. A.R.E. 328 of 1909
    19. S.I.I, Vol. III., Pt. III., No.205
    20. Ibid., 585 of 1920; S. I.I. Vol. XIII., No.146
    21. K.A.N. Sastri, Op.Cit. p. 266
    22. Ibid., 165 of 1894
    23. A.R.E. 328 of 1909
    24. Ibid., 246 of 1910
    25. Ibid., 246 of 1910
    26. A.R.E. 258 of 1910
    27. P. Shanmugam, Revenue System Under the Cholas, p. 125-126
    28. Ibid., 325 of 1909
    29. A.R.E. 157 & 158 of 1928-29
    30. S.I.I, Vol. III., Pt. III., No.205
    31. Ibid., 585 of 1920; S. I.I. Vol. XIII., No.146
    32. K.A.N. Sastri, Op.Cit. p. 266
    33. A.R.E. 258 of 1910
    34. Ibid., 165 of 1894
    35. A.R.E. 328 of 1909
    36. Ibid., 246 of 1910
    37. P. Shanmugam, Revenue System Under the Cholas, p. 125-126
    38. Ibid., 325 of 1909
    39. P. Shanmugam, Revenue System Under the Cholas, p. 125-126
    40. Ibid., 325 of 1909
    41. P. Shanmugam, Revenue System Under the Cholas, p. 125-126
    42. A.R.E. 157 & 158 of 1928-29
    43. Ibid., 325 of 1909
    44. S.I.I, Vol. III., Pt. III., No.205
    45. Ibid., 585 of 1920; S. I.I. Vol. XIII., No.146
    46. K.A.N. Sastri, Op.Cit. p. 266
    47. Ibid., 165 of 1894
    48. A.R.E. 328 of 1909
    49. A.R.E. 258 of 1910
    50. A.R.E. 258 of 1910
    51. Ibid., 246 of 1910
    52. P. Shanmugam, Revenue System Under the Cholas, p. 125-126
    53. Ibid., 325 of 1909
    54. A.R.E. 157 & 158 of 1928-29
    55. A.R.E. 157 & 158 of 1928-29
    56. P. Shanmugam, Revenue System Under the Cholas, p. 125-126
    57. Ibid., 325 of 1909
    58. Ibid., 246 of 1910

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