DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : VI, Issue : III, April - 2016


Samima Nasrin, -

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

There is a stereotyping in choosing one’s profession by ones’ biological body. For this, women prefer to be teacher, nurse or doctor rather than in joining defense. But there are always exceptional cases.

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    Samima Nasrin, -(2016). A CASE STUDY ON DEBALA MITRA WHO BROKE GENDER STEREOTYPING IN WORK PLACE.. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. VI, Issue. III, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

    1. Ibid, p. 227-228
    2. Ibid, p. 227-228
    3. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, From Plassey to Partition (Bangla), Orient Black Swan, Kolkata, 2014, p. 457
    4. Ibid, p. 241
    5. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, From Plassey to Partition (Bangla), Orient Black Swan, Kolkata, 2014, p. 457
    6. Ibid, p. 241
    7. Ibid, p. 227-228
    8. Ibid, p. 464-465
    9. Ibid, p. 459
    10. A.S. Altekar, Education in Ancient India, Isha Books, Delhi, 2009, P. 223
    11. Ibid, p. 237
    12. Ibid, p. 227-228
    13. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, From Plassey to Partition (Bangla), Orient Black Swan, Kolkata, 2014, p. 457
    14. Ibid, p. 241
    15. Ibid, p. 464-465
    16. Ibid, p. 459
    17. A.S. Altekar, Education in Ancient India, Isha Books, Delhi, 2009, P. 223
    18. Ibid, p. 237
    19. Ibid, p. 227-228
    20. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, From Plassey to Partition (Bangla), Orient Black Swan, Kolkata, 2014, p. 457
    21. Ibid, p. 241
    22. Ibid, p. 464-465
    23. Ibid, p. 459
    24. A.S. Altekar, Education in Ancient India, Isha Books, Delhi, 2009, P. 223
    25. Ibid, p. 237
    26. Ibid, p. 464-465
    27. Ibid, p. 459
    28. A.S. Altekar, Education in Ancient India, Isha Books, Delhi, 2009, P. 223
    29. Ibid, p. 237
    30. Ibid, p. 227-228
    31. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, From Plassey to Partition (Bangla), Orient Black Swan, Kolkata, 2014, p. 457
    32. Ibid, p. 241
    33. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, From Plassey to Partition (Bangla), Orient Black Swan, Kolkata, 2014, p. 457
    34. Ibid, p. 241
    35. Ibid, p. 464-465
    36. Ibid, p. 459
    37. A.S. Altekar, Education in Ancient India, Isha Books, Delhi, 2009, P. 223
    38. Ibid, p. 237
    39. Ibid, p. 464-465
    40. Ibid, p. 459
    41. A.S. Altekar, Education in Ancient India, Isha Books, Delhi, 2009, P. 223
    42. Ibid, p. 237

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